Prostate Diseases and Treatments

Prostate Diseases and Treatments

The three major Diseases of the Prostate are:prostate cancer, Prostatis, and enlargement of the prostate also known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia(BPH). Prostate Cancer : this is the most common form of cancer in mProstate Diseases and Treatments, affecting around 1 in 7 men during their Lifetime. Around 1 in 39 men die of Prostate cancer according to the Review work done By (Tim, 2018). Prostectomy is one of the mostly used diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Prostatitis: this is simply the inflammation of the Prostate gland. There are Primarily four different forms of Prostatis, each with different causes and outcomes according to earlier researchers Reviews. Two relatively uncommon forms are Acute Prostatitis and Chronic bacterial Prostatitis. Bacterial Prostatis are treated with antibiotics (category | and ||, respectively). While Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis or male chronic pelvic pain Syndrome (category |||), which comprises about 95% of prostatitis diagnoses, is treated by a large variety of modalities including alpha blockers, physical therapy, psychotherapy, antihistamine, anxiolytics, nerve modulators, phytotherapy, and Surgery as Studied by (Anderson et Al., 2006). More Recently, a combination of trigger point and psychological therapy has proved effective for category ||| prostatitis. 

Enlarged Praostate:  also known as  Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH) has been studied to affect almost all men aged 50 or over. It makes it difficult to urinate and, in rare serious cases, can prevent urination entirely. Most commonly the enlargement occurs in the Transition zone as studied by (Tim, 2018).

Based on this, Men are advised to go for periodic cancer screening from age 40 to avoid complications and the pain and suffering of dealing with its Chronic symptoms.